My own journey

My beautiful Light Being team showed me retrospectively how I started to send healing to animals, nature, trees, and the land, many years ago.

Simply by intention, focusing on Love and Light.

Later, I learned to ask the Archangels to send their healing Light to places that needed healing. I also connected to the Elemental Beings and Nature Beings, asking for their help. I started cleaning mountains where mining took place, areas where dense energies gathered, etc.

I then discovered Lemurian Healing and worked with the Lemurians and Lemurian Crystals' beautiful, mighty power.

Becoming a teacher of the Diana Cooper School of White Light further helped me on my path as a Planetary Healer.
I now work with the mighty Dragons and the beautiful Unicorns in service of Love and Light.

I have been learning Quantum Healing and working with Grids, Codes, and Templates of places and all living beings. I am connected to my soul and higher self, and I am guided.

The results are compelling when we heal and activate Light in this way. Every time my team and I do Planetary Healing, it is precise, accurate, and powerful, in perfect alignment with the Divine Plan for the New Earth. 

I started my journey to serve this beautiful planet 29 years ago, at 18.

I loved every single step of it, and I am deeply grateful to all my guides and angels who helped me on this journey. I also know there is so much still to experience. 

I am sharing this with you, beautiful soul, because I know, if you are resonating with these words, you are also a Lightworker who is here to serve this planet and all Her realms. 

You truly make a difference when you add your energy and Light to this Planetary Healing.

Thank you so much for your service, beautiful one!

Melinda Elisabeth White Rose

Lightworker and Nature Empath.
Spiritual Teacher at the Diana Cooper School of White Light.
Author of the book “Sacred Connection with Trees”.


3 ways to do Gridwork


Sending Healing and Gratitude to the Amazon Rainforest