Meli Marton - Empowering Nature Empaths

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Sending Healing and Gratitude to the Amazon Rainforest

I invite you to send Healing, Light, and Gratitude to the Amazon rainforest. 

I feel deeply connected to the great Amazon Rainforest, yet I have never been there.

During these last few years, the Angels, Devas, and Guardians of the forest, the Spirit of the Amazon herself, have reached out to many lightworkers. 

This amazing forest is a beautiful, vast, living entity. It is considered the lungs of our planet. Her age can be counted in millions of years, as she is more than 56 million years old!

During this current year, the media has shown images and news about the devastating effect of human greed and carelessness concerning the Amazon.

But let's not focus on those images, and news, as we would add our energy to that situation. We need to remember that what we focus on, we empower!

Instead, let's empower the energies of Love, Light, Healing, and Gratitude toward the Amazon. Let's co-create with the Angels, Guardians, Devas of the forest, and all beautiful Lightworkers from all realms who hear the call.

Recently I signed a petition and shared a beautiful message from the indigenous tribes living in the Amazon, who are protecting it fiercely.

When I read their beautiful message, I heard the Spirit of the Amazon Rainforest, calling for healing. And I answered it. 

Please listen to the visualization above and add your Love, Light, and Gratitude.

You will be able to feel and sense the power of this Planetary Healing, just as I did. 

You will also receive the gratitude of the Spirit of the Rainforest and co-create with the Angels, Archangels, Nature Spirits, and influential Councils of Light, with Unicorns, Dragons, and many other Light Beings. 

Start with setting the intention of sending Love, Light, and Healing to the Amazon Rainforest, the Land, waters, trees, animals, all creatures, the beautiful guardians of the Amazon, and the wise indigenous tribes living it. 

I invite you to light a candle and dedicate it to the Amazon and all the great forest's angels and guardians.