Sending Healing, Love, Light, & Gratitude to the Land of England

Lightkeepers: England

During this profoundly sacred event, we engaged in a series of meaningful activities:

  • Cleansing and purifying the dense energies entrenched in the Land, seeking to restore its natural balance and harmony.

  • Delicately cleansing, cleaning, and purifying the weighty historical events of the past, allowing for healing and growth to emerge.

  • Sending forth a powerful flow of Healing, Love, Light, and Gratitude to all Realms of Nature, fostering a deeper connection with the natural world.

  • Reverently working to cleanse, activate, and empower the sacred sites and Lay Lines, recognizing their significance and honoring their spiritual essence.

  • Uniting and empowering all Light Workers from every realm, harnessing the collective strength of their dedication and light.

This gathering held a profound intention to bring healing, renewal, and unity to our surroundings and the broader universe, fostering an environment of spiritual growth and positive energy for all involved.