Practical Tools for a Challenging Day
We all have days filled with sunshine, rainbows, and magic. And also, days that are difficult, challenging, and dense. Just like everything in nature, including the waves of the oceans, our life has its own ebb and flow!
These days of low energy are huge teachers for each of us! We receive sacred initiations, we activate valuable codes and templates, and we learn how to stay on our path instead of following others.
So please, dear one, don't beat yourself up for the days when there are no rainbows and sunshine! Don't criticize yourself, don't compare yourself with others.
And please don't try to understand what happened and why, as when you are in this space of negativity, your questions just activate past similar situations, and they will drag your energy further down.
Acceptance and Self-Care
Try to accept it as it is, telling yourself: "I feel like this and it is ok."
Try to ask yourself, "What do I need just now to make me feel better?"
Give your physical, mental, and emotional body a big, loving hug.
Call in your Guardian Angel and ask It to place its golden wings around you.
Take a long shower and cover your beautiful body in rose oil (for self-love), or lavender oil (for relaxation).
Take a walk in Nature.
Talk to your pet.
Call a friend.
Or anything else that feels loving, pampering, soothing.
You have a huge choice here! You can choose to stay in this situation and give yourself a rest, with acceptance, self-love, and deep self-compassion. You can also choose to raise your energy by doing some of the things I mentioned before. Do what feels right! Sometimes it simply takes time. We are all sensitive, and we get overwhelmed! Sometimes it is as simple!
Reconnecting with Your Inner Light.
And after you've given time, understanding, love, and healing to your body, mind, and feelings, watch how you are back to yourself, your beautiful vibration and energy! Feel how the joy, magic, and beauty of every moment is returning.
And then, you can understand all the gifts of the situation, learn from it, and expand the beautiful love and light of your heart. Then you can continue adding your precious Light to the Light, building more Light!
With Love, Light, and profound soul fulfillment,
Meli 💫